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Be a part

Thanks for submitting!


  • Are you a researcher? May your study lead to creative ideas that fit Treefinity's objectives.

  • Do you want a local tree in your yard? Message us.

  • Do you think Treefinity is a special company? Spread the news.  It helps us.

  • Do you have concerns, ideas, cautionary tales, or remarks? Don’t keep them to yourself.


If you're a university, a corporation, or an NGO, let's discuss how we can work together to make the world greener. How can Treefinity be useful?

What role can Treefinity play? 


University: Partnerships in research at the university

Treefinity offers presentations and lessons to motivate young people.

NGO: Include us on your journey. Let's bring on change.

Corporation: It doesn't matter how big you are. Treefinity will meet your needs. Every preserved or planted tree represents a legacy that you will leave for future generations. So let's collaborate.

Dark Rainforest Path


858 Coupure Rechts, Ghent 9000 Belgium

©2022 by Treefinity.

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